March 04, 2019

The Sinclair C5

I'm almost pretty sure that most of you hav never heard of this device. Hell, I only heard about it when I was watching a video of the top 10 biggest flops in tech. Now most of the things on this list were completely silly but the Sinclair C5 had huge potential in my opinion. I believe if this machine was updated and rereleased on the market they would sell like hotcakes. Now if you don't know what the Sinclair C5 was, it was built like something you'd see in one of those futuristic movies. The Sinclair C5 was an electric tricycle that was released in the UK in the 1980s. It's tiny and it has two forms of power, electricity and pedaling. Now the downsides to this vehicle were that when it rained, well, there was nothing to keep you dry. It was also a very slow vehicle and it didn't know if it was in the moped category or a mini car.

Now if I were to redesign this vehicle. I would put make it so it was completely electrical. It would also be a little bigger so that it could fit at least one passenger and a little trunk space. It would also be able to hit a max speed of 70 MPH. Not too fast but not too slow either, that would give it the ability to hit the expressway. It would also have a roof, like almost a door. It would have thicker tires as well. I think this is the device we need today to reduce emissions in the environment. With the entire world trying to shift into more fuel efficient vehicles and hopefully replacing all engines with electric cars, I think this is the perfect thing we need today. I know these would do well in places like LA and San Francisco. They aren't ugly, they look futuristic and they aren't very expensive. Such a small machine can be placed on the market honestly for as low as $8,000. Back then they only cost around $500. 

Now Sinclair has been working on a new form of the old electric tricycle but this time calling it the Iris eTrike, but I think it'll fail. Simply because its still a tricycle instead of an actual minicar. It still has pedals and its still part electric. I don't honestly understand why they'd release another version of the original without changing the power source but that just shows most of these companies don't really know what they're doing. The max speed is listed at 30 mph and the pricing is a little over $5k which is ridiculous for a bike. It does, however have a roof to prevent from rain but it doesn't have side mirrors or a rearview mirror which is silly if you ask me. I'm assuming their target consumer is more so the biking community but it defeats the purposing of biking. Bikers love the environment and air that you feel while biking. In this device you wouldn't feel air at all. I can only assume that this would be used during raining situations if you're a consistent biker. I mean it looks cool so I'm pretty sure if you'd want to just show off to your other friends, then it is something you should purchase but outside of that I'm really not seeing much into it.

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