September 21, 2018

Questions to Ponder: Week 2

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Questions to Ponder:

Do you like what you like or what they told you to like?

Do you know why you like what you like?

Do you really know how biased your opinion is when it comes to topics?

Why are you delusional about being biased?

How come having an open mind only means being open to certain subjects?

Why is someone called a hater for not genuinely not liking something?

What is the actual meaning of hating something or someone?

If someone has a drastically different opinion from the masses, why are they called crazy?

Do you realize that no opinion is a fact regardless of how strong you(or the masses) feel about it?

Has it ever crossed your mind that your opinion is crazy to someone else?

Did you know there are large communities of fans for almost everything?

Did you know that you're an idiot to someone in some type of topic?

Why do we judge people for being different?

Why do we judge people at all?

Why aren't we allowed to judge people anymore?

Why is tough skin now looked at as a weakness versus a strength?

Why don't anyone ever stand up for themselves nowadays?

Why do we call so many people "brave" for doing absolutely regular things?

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