May 28, 2018

Change Your Conversations

The difference between the successful and the non-successful is usually information. The more you know the better. If you are in a struggling situation, ask yourself, what kind of conversations are you having with your friends. If you are constantly having the same consistent conversations over and over about unimportant topics then there lies the problem. You can argue day after day who's the best player ever to be in the NBA, but we both know that neither side will ever change their side. It also doesn't matter if you are a fan or not a fan of Kim Kardashian, or any of the Kardashians in that matter. The point I'm making is that the wealthy are having different conversations than the rest of us. They are more worried on what to invest in and how they can put themselves into better positions to better their situation and their family.

 Now this is where we begin to struggle generational wise. See our parents aren't the ones having those conversations with their friends about growth. Our parents are talking about their struggles instead of how to get out of these struggles. We learn that from our parents to the point where we sometimes are complacent in our situations yet not realizing it. To be honest, we wouldn't even know what conversations to have because non of us have ever been there before. That's what makes our situation so scary because it is a endless cycle of struggles.

I'm in no way shape or form saying abandon your friends, that's the last thing I'm saying do. I'm saying find a way to get into a different circle to uplift yourself and bring your friends with you. If you start a successful business, hire from within. Promote your own people, that is how you build healthy communities and generational wealth. The power always come from within your communities not the outside. Always remember that.

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