April 30, 2017

Dear White People (Review)

This is my first ever review of a television show and honestly I feel as if I should get my word out before anyone else. The show has only been out for a few days if I'm correct and I finished it in one day while traveling on vacation. It's ten episodes long and each episode is around 28 minutes, which is usually short for a Netflix Exclusive, but they manage to get their ideas off in that time. So I think that this show is a good eye awakener for some people, but for others, it's a slap in the face. I say this because in a show about how "woke" black people are and how they are moving and changing the world, each character follows a basic black stereotype and refuses to show a black person without any  hidden guilts. Now I would break down every single character but that would be spoiling the show for you and who am I to do that ? I advise you go watch it yourself and comment what you think and then we can have a conversation. I must say though, I don't like how the black characters in this show seem to have a lack of feeling and compassion for a person who is white. Everything in the world is their fault and honestly it isn't . Black People at the end of the day have to stop blaming White People for everything. Yes their white privilege exist but at this point of time , it's not their fault if they don't see it . It's just like spoiled children don't know they're spoiled. Now I'm not saying that there aren't racist white people and I'm also not saying that half the whites in this show aren't complete dicks. What am I really saying ? Go watch the show if you haven't already and comment your thoughts below . I'm curious to know what other people think .

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