October 28, 2014

I ain't Shit

I still reminisce about you on late nights
You know the ones I used to talk to you on
I've met tons of other girls around here
But I don't think I ever really moved on
See a few were pretty good and others, well
I wish all of their futures go quite  swell
FUCK IT I hate fucking rhyming
FUCK IT I still fucking hate you
I'm fucking twisted, sick
I'm always fucking angry
I don't think you really understand
I play it cool but you'd be a fool to
To think that I was ever happy about losing you
Because I really wasn't
You were my friend first before anything else
To lose a friend is really the hardest thing ever
The night you died I cried hard
I thought about this long and hard before I wrote this
I thought about you long and hard before I wrote this
There's a new girl in town and I promise she won't last
This isn't really a down upon her, this is a down on me
Because really...I aint shit