Hey best friend call me, talk to me
We need to catch up on everything
We didn't even stay up on last day
like we used to you know back then
Don't you remember way back when?
or you forgot about me for some reason
I still think about you all the time
Remember those late nights and early mornings?
You told me everything, we shared secrets
now you tell me nothing I don't even know you
Things changed and I haven't figured out why
This was supposed to rhyme but I'm in my feelings
Maybe I'll just call you and say all of these things to you
Most likely you won't pick up because you're too busy for me
I'm not shit to you I'm not even in your heart huh?
Can't be because I've been replaced in your mind
But you definitely haven't been replaced in mine
Trust me that can't even happen
Remember that thing I wrote for you when we were young
Like 4 years ago and your Dad kind of hated me
Does he even know I exist any more?
I guess not ...damn things change